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My JournalIt has been my prayer for some time that some of the work in Kenya would shift from the American missionaries to the Kenyan Pastors. I pray daily for more laborers to be raised up in Kenya. God is beginning to answer that prayer. <br /><br />Yesterday, I had the high honor of having John Wanyonyi, missionary to the Tuposa People in Southen Sudan and his sponsoring pastor from Nairobi, Elijah Mahindu to stay in my home. This morning during our time of prayer and sharing, God moved! Out of respect for these men, I will not share all that happened...but God is beginning to open the floodgates here in Kenya! Open them wide, dear Lord, Open them wide!<br /><br />Please continue to pray for not only the Turkana people, but for the men He is raising up out of our work in Kenya. <br /><br />From a thankful heart,<br />Ekiru<br />
Posted on 13 Oct 2008 by Eddie
Somedays are just a state of confusion for me. Today was one of those days. I have written much about the folks from Natiir...and I will not take the time to recap. Over 60 people have expressed their desire to be baptized next month when we organize them into a church. Today, we met again under the trees and discussed at length salvation and baptism. There were many questions and 11 more gave their lives to Christ!! It was an awesome day!!<br /><br />The confusion for me started when I got out of my truck. I saw folks covered from head to toe in white mudd. They were on their way to our trees for the service. When I reached there, I found over half of them covered in the same fashion with this white mudd. I have seen it before in this place and knew it was the work of the witchdoctor. Fearful that this new "round of mudd" had something to do with another rumor about me...I ask about the mudd. <br /><br />Since the rains have not come...and many are fearful they will not...it is the custom of this dark culture to go to the witchdoctor for his help. As a village, they did that. That is why over 70 people were covered in mudd. Then with mudd covered bodies, they lifted their voices with ours in prayer to God to send rain. Confused...I am that! <br /><br />We walked over the land they have given to me to build our church building and we prayed over the property. We sang our songs, we read our Scriptures, souls were saved, commitments were made for baptism...and yet there was mudd. A stark reminder as to why I am here...To open their eyes, to turn them from darkness to Light, from the power of Satan to God. <br /><br />Muddy Sunday...Blessed Sunday...I just love this place with all its contradictions, its confusion, and the power of Christ working through it all to save souls, to save lives, to save the Turkana people.<br /><br />Much love,<br />Ekiru
Posted on 12 Oct 2008 by Eddie
the song of amazing grace is ringing in my ears. it is almost 5pm and i just came in from church. i went out to nanyangaikipi. the house was full...which is a victory in itself. i was shocked to see anna on the front pew, her remaining twin tied to her back, her older daughter, lucy, standing directly in from of her...and she was leading in a song! she also sang in the choir and praised God with every breath. what amazing grace i saw today!!<br /><br />my heart broke for her and the loss she has suffered and i thought i would go today and try to bring her and the church some encouragement from the Lord...and it was me who left with a full cup!<br /><br />afterwards, i carried a truck full of people...i honestly do not know how many...there were arms and elbows everywhere, to the hospital. malaria has hit hard in the village and i will do everything in my power to keep another from dying. please pray for nanyangakipi. so many are suffering from sickness. the rains that came in other places, did not reach them. their animals are suffering. for a people that literally live off their animals, this spells trouble. please pray for them.<br /><br />i also ask for your prayers. i am beat. but as i taught through 2 timothy 2 today, i know that is par for the course for anyone trying to live for god. there is much hardness and we must endure as good soldiers!!<br /><br />thank you to all who have prayed for me this past week. you all have been such a blessing!<br /><br />much love,<br />ekiru
Posted on 28 Sep 2008 by Eddie
There is nothing I hate more than burying children. I have heard it said that old men must die...yet young men do die. But what about the children?? In Africa, I have literally buried dozens of babies under 5 years old. The latest happened today. <br /><br />In Nanyangakipi, our church's treasurer is Anna. She has 2 daughters. I did not go out there this past week...we are in the middle of building a kitchen and library in the village of Napetet...and her youngest daughter grew sick with malaria. Before word could reach me (2 days walk away), she died. As soon as I heard she was sick, I went to help only to find all I could do is help bury her.<br /><br />It is such a defeat for me. I host medical clinics, dig wells, carry all I find to the hospital for treatment...and still the babies die. I do not know what else I can do. Sickness is a result of fallen man...it is not from God. I hate sin, sickness, and Satan!<br /><br />Please pray for Anna and her family. Her husband is not saved and he believes death came to their daughter because they did not take her to the witchdoctor. <br /><br />Pray for all in Nanyangakipi, for their faith to be strengthened. Also pray for me. Today was really hard. There is nothing harder for me than placing a dead child in the ground and literally burying them. It calls for grace and strength that can only come from God. It also causes me to want to hold my own babies and know they are ok. But just as I trust God to take care of the Turkana people, I trust Him to care for and protect Breanne & Michaella.<br /><br />Ekiru<br /><br />
Posted on 24 Sep 2008 by Eddie
One of my life's verses is Acts 26:18. Living in Turkana, I have seen that verse come alive time after time. Today, God revealed Himself yet again!!<br /><br />For those of you that may be new to my journal, I have been working in the village of Natiir for almost 2 years. False reports...lies, have come to the people of Natiir twice. They have been told I am a devil worshipper and if they allow me to work in their village, the children will die. They were told on another occasion that I love to drink the blood of Turkana children and if they welcome me back in the village, their children will die.<br /><br />I have answered this lies as best I could. I also have brought and sent my friends to teach the Bible and to show that I am not the man I have been accused of.<br /><br />I have met with the elders of the village and they have assured me that they know the reports were nothing but lies and have welcomed me to continue my work.<br /><br />Today, wow!! Today, over 200 people came for our worship service. There were so many (we have yet to baptize and organize into a church so there is no building) that we split into 3 different groups to sit under the shade of the trees. We were close enough that if I spoke up (that's one thing i can do) everyone could hear. It was awesome!! <br /><br />We started at 9am and finished at 3pm. Yes, that is a 6 hour service!<br /><br />I taught the last half of the book of Philippians. All but 3 of those there can not read. However, they are so hungry for the Word of God. I had only planned on teaching the first 10 verses of chapter 3. But they would not let me stop there. They wanted to know how the letter ended! Never, never have I been among such spiritually hungry people. Since I feared that they would not be able to take the Word home with them, we spent some time teaching 4:13 until everyone there could say it from memory. You should have seen their smiles and the sparkle in their eyes when they said their verse. They all left repeating 4:13...taking the Word of God home...for the first time!<br /><br />We talked a long time about we should do next. 87 people gave their names and we talked to each and everyone to make sure of their salvation, they want to be baptized. We will do that in November when my favorite guests (the thompsons) come from arkansas. We will also build a church house during their trip...because the Turkana's favorite fundi is coming back...Josh!<br /><br />Please pray for Natiir! They want to know God, His Word, and His way. I want to help them do that. And as we learned today, Nayaweza mambo yote katika Yeye anitiaye nguvu!<br /><br />The devil tried to stop the people of Natiir from receiving the Word of God, but Victory came instead for God and His people. Their eyes have been opened and they have turned to the Light!<br /><br />Much love to all who pray for the Turkana people,<br />Ekiru
Posted on 07 Sep 2008 by Eddie
Powered by CuteNews Journal ArchiveIt has been my prayer for some time that some of the work in Kenya would shift from the American missionaries to the Kenyan Pastors. I pray daily for more laborers to be raised up in Kenya. God is beginning to answer that prayer. <br /><br />Yesterday, I had the high honor of having John Wanyonyi, missionary to the Tuposa People in Southen Sudan and his sponsoring pastor from Nairobi, Elijah Mahindu to stay in my home. This morning during our time of prayer and sharing, God moved! Out of respect for these men, I will not share all that happened...but God is beginning to open the floodgates here in Kenya! Open them wide, dear Lord, Open them wide!<br /><br />Please continue to pray for not only the Turkana people, but for the men He is raising up out of our work in Kenya. <br /><br />From a thankful heart,<br />Ekiru<br />
Posted on 13 Oct 2008 by Eddie
Somedays are just a state of confusion for me. Today was one of those days. I have written much about the folks from Natiir...and I will not take the time to recap. Over 60 people have expressed their desire to be baptized next month when we organize them into a church. Today, we met again under the trees and discussed at length salvation and baptism. There were many questions and 11 more gave their lives to Christ!! It was an awesome day!!<br /><br />The confusion for me started when I got out of my truck. I saw folks covered from head to toe in white mudd. They were on their way to our trees for the service. When I reached there, I found over half of them covered in the same fashion with this white mudd. I have seen it before in this place and knew it was the work of the witchdoctor. Fearful that this new "round of mudd" had something to do with another rumor about me...I ask about the mudd. <br /><br />Since the rains have not come...and many are fearful they will not...it is the custom of this dark culture to go to the witchdoctor for his help. As a village, they did that. That is why over 70 people were covered in mudd. Then with mudd covered bodies, they lifted their voices with ours in prayer to God to send rain. Confused...I am that! <br /><br />We walked over the land they have given to me to build our church building and we prayed over the property. We sang our songs, we read our Scriptures, souls were saved, commitments were made for baptism...and yet there was mudd. A stark reminder as to why I am here...To open their eyes, to turn them from darkness to Light, from the power of Satan to God. <br /><br />Muddy Sunday...Blessed Sunday...I just love this place with all its contradictions, its confusion, and the power of Christ working through it all to save souls, to save lives, to save the Turkana people.<br /><br />Much love,<br />Ekiru
Posted on 12 Oct 2008 by Eddie
the song of amazing grace is ringing in my ears. it is almost 5pm and i just came in from church. i went out to nanyangaikipi. the house was full...which is a victory in itself. i was shocked to see anna on the front pew, her remaining twin tied to her back, her older daughter, lucy, standing directly in from of her...and she was leading in a song! she also sang in the choir and praised God with every breath. what amazing grace i saw today!!<br /><br />my heart broke for her and the loss she has suffered and i thought i would go today and try to bring her and the church some encouragement from the Lord...and it was me who left with a full cup!<br /><br />afterwards, i carried a truck full of people...i honestly do not know how many...there were arms and elbows everywhere, to the hospital. malaria has hit hard in the village and i will do everything in my power to keep another from dying. please pray for nanyangakipi. so many are suffering from sickness. the rains that came in other places, did not reach them. their animals are suffering. for a people that literally live off their animals, this spells trouble. please pray for them.<br /><br />i also ask for your prayers. i am beat. but as i taught through 2 timothy 2 today, i know that is par for the course for anyone trying to live for god. there is much hardness and we must endure as good soldiers!!<br /><br />thank you to all who have prayed for me this past week. you all have been such a blessing!<br /><br />much love,<br />ekiru
Posted on 28 Sep 2008 by Eddie
There is nothing I hate more than burying children. I have heard it said that old men must die...yet young men do die. But what about the children?? In Africa, I have literally buried dozens of babies under 5 years old. The latest happened today. <br /><br />In Nanyangakipi, our church's treasurer is Anna. She has 2 daughters. I did not go out there this past week...we are in the middle of building a kitchen and library in the village of Napetet...and her youngest daughter grew sick with malaria. Before word could reach me (2 days walk away), she died. As soon as I heard she was sick, I went to help only to find all I could do is help bury her.<br /><br />It is such a defeat for me. I host medical clinics, dig wells, carry all I find to the hospital for treatment...and still the babies die. I do not know what else I can do. Sickness is a result of fallen man...it is not from God. I hate sin, sickness, and Satan!<br /><br />Please pray for Anna and her family. Her husband is not saved and he believes death came to their daughter because they did not take her to the witchdoctor. <br /><br />Pray for all in Nanyangakipi, for their faith to be strengthened. Also pray for me. Today was really hard. There is nothing harder for me than placing a dead child in the ground and literally burying them. It calls for grace and strength that can only come from God. It also causes me to want to hold my own babies and know they are ok. But just as I trust God to take care of the Turkana people, I trust Him to care for and protect Breanne & Michaella.<br /><br />Ekiru<br /><br />
Posted on 24 Sep 2008 by Eddie
One of my life's verses is Acts 26:18. Living in Turkana, I have seen that verse come alive time after time. Today, God revealed Himself yet again!!<br /><br />For those of you that may be new to my journal, I have been working in the village of Natiir for almost 2 years. False reports...lies, have come to the people of Natiir twice. They have been told I am a devil worshipper and if they allow me to work in their village, the children will die. They were told on another occasion that I love to drink the blood of Turkana children and if they welcome me back in the village, their children will die.<br /><br />I have answered this lies as best I could. I also have brought and sent my friends to teach the Bible and to show that I am not the man I have been accused of.<br /><br />I have met with the elders of the village and they have assured me that they know the reports were nothing but lies and have welcomed me to continue my work.<br /><br />Today, wow!! Today, over 200 people came for our worship service. There were so many (we have yet to baptize and organize into a church so there is no building) that we split into 3 different groups to sit under the shade of the trees. We were close enough that if I spoke up (that's one thing i can do) everyone could hear. It was awesome!! <br /><br />We started at 9am and finished at 3pm. Yes, that is a 6 hour service!<br /><br />I taught the last half of the book of Philippians. All but 3 of those there can not read. However, they are so hungry for the Word of God. I had only planned on teaching the first 10 verses of chapter 3. But they would not let me stop there. They wanted to know how the letter ended! Never, never have I been among such spiritually hungry people. Since I feared that they would not be able to take the Word home with them, we spent some time teaching 4:13 until everyone there could say it from memory. You should have seen their smiles and the sparkle in their eyes when they said their verse. They all left repeating 4:13...taking the Word of God home...for the first time!<br /><br />We talked a long time about we should do next. 87 people gave their names and we talked to each and everyone to make sure of their salvation, they want to be baptized. We will do that in November when my favorite guests (the thompsons) come from arkansas. We will also build a church house during their trip...because the Turkana's favorite fundi is coming back...Josh!<br /><br />Please pray for Natiir! They want to know God, His Word, and His way. I want to help them do that. And as we learned today, Nayaweza mambo yote katika Yeye anitiaye nguvu!<br /><br />The devil tried to stop the people of Natiir from receiving the Word of God, but Victory came instead for God and His people. Their eyes have been opened and they have turned to the Light!<br /><br />Much love to all who pray for the Turkana people,<br />Ekiru
Posted on 07 Sep 2008 by Eddie
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